Anarchy Solves Nothing

Break Break
This is Honor Freedom Peace.

ANARCHY - Symbol - Circle A

ANARCHY - Symbol - Circle A

First off, a message from our forces at OPK. We have regrouped and recuperated. The response to powder keg has been like nothing we had ever dreamed. Most of the feedback has been in defense or defiance of, our sweetheart, Cindy Milstein. What a gem. Thanks for all of the great research, the dots are really starting to connect her with Lisa Fithian, David Graeber, and others. To those we didn’t thank in person, thank you for all of your support!  If you are curious about how your efforts are paying off, scroll down to the next “Break Break”


It should be noted that the following piece was written without considering that what we are dealing with in occupy is a special breed of anarchists. Other anarchists have stated since this post that what we are experiencing is not REAL anarchy. One of them suggested we change the title to ‘Fake Anarchy Solves Nothing‘ – which two of us like, but has yet to be agreed upon by our group. I also wonder who gets to define fake vs real.  No one thinks they are fake, right?

This brand of anarchy which is, or has been, in practice at occupy locations globally generally pushes communist and socialist ideals. They are the ones that are so adamant about the violence. A more accurate term may be anarcho-syndicalist.



We have known that communism and socialism are part of their rehtoric. If you notice the background of this site contains a symbol which combines all three political symbols into one. That said, they also refer to themselves as anarchists. That is why we used the term as we did during our first draft of this post. To hear what some real/pure anarchists are saying, check out this conversation on facebook.


Our focus has been put squarely on the anarchists that have been trying to hijack several occupy locations.  We have established that they were quick to the draw, and implemented their process early. Then they distributed like-minded followers around the country to occupy OUR cities. Clearly this is a co-opt, but it is happening organically – a favorite aspect of anarchy we might add – which makes for a pretty incredible display in our opinions.

Drama has been pretty high around the country as anarchists have been getting found out and kicked out. It’s pretty easy to identify them. They are usually from out of town. They also have the tendency to talk about resistance, riots and insurrection. Even in cities that want to work with their occupations. That’s an important distinction. Allow us to explain.  We will start by outlining the implementation of anarchy as seen at many occupations.  Then we will get into why, and why it solves nothing.


Occupy Anarchism

  • Most of the words and phrases used to describe the groups and the demonstration itself are pulled from anarchist ideology. We know this is because of their early leaching of the movement.
  • People that are not native to the city will just show up. Usually by way of mega bus or greyhound. Some are not smart enough to hide the fact that they are not from around there. Here’s a video, that should give you an idea. Skip to 7:10 in the video. We think it’s okay to have visitors, but its just a sign of their presence
  • Many of the drifters do exactly that. They are in and gone before you notice, but they are also present and voting in the general assembly. A clever tactic in our opinions.
  • Others are closer to the core group of anti-leaders. They tend to stick around. Some of them actually live in that city and are usually hosting a flop house for all of their visitors. These people try their best to infiltrate all of the “working groups” on any given site. Most importantly, they are the core members of the Facilitation Group, in some cities, which is supposed to be neutral.
  • They are serious about the process of direct democracy. By the way, here’s why direct democracy is flawed. It also clearly doesn’t work within occupations either. Never-the-less they stand by it and will discourage any deviation. The chanting of the people’s mic is reminiscent of Orwell’s 1984 brainwashing. In a word, creepy.
  • They leverage the homeless to mask other initiatives. We find this to be particularly disgusting and manipulative. This can be hard to identify, but when it becomes clear, it is simply revolting.
  • This part is strange about the occupation grade anarchism. Autonomy – another favorite aspect of anarchy –  is lost within the process. Anarchists claim that the general assembly, and the decisions made within, must be followed. What happened to the absence of hierarchies?
  • They tend to set up situations that will lead to the city cracking down on the movement.  This is demonstrated through what they say, the propaganda they distribute, how they vote, and the proposals that they raise. It is also evident in the actions they organize. Success to them is when marches end in arrests. Most of the kids under 30 just follow the tactics and haven’t even taken the time to understand their strategy. Apathy works in many unfortunate ways.
  • They also tend to brag about it on their media websites and anarchist organization websites when people are arrested. The leaders never get arrested. They are cowards and have followers for that. The leaders, like Cindy Milstein, will make an urgent claim for a media badge so they “won’t be arrested”. Then instead of shooting video, they get on the megaphone and get creepy-weird-idealistic to the crowd. Instigating. Fortunately, the crazy talk is evident to many with their eyes open.
  • Then, once they have instigated, slanted the story, and boasted their accomplishments, the occupation pays for their bail through OUR donations. We agree with donations being used for bail when the police set out to arrest some occupiers that day. When activists set out to create arrests, we think bailing them out makes a mockery of our movement.
Why Do They Do this??
  • Simply put, their number one goal is to burn the whole system down. They don’t want change. They want to abolish everything.
  • They cannot achieve that without every citizen losing faith in our government and rising up in violent protest.
  • In order to initiate that, they must use the small group of people currently participating as their cannon fodder. So they campaign and stack votes to push their agendas. Pushing conflict with police, instigating higher arrest numbers, and pointing the finger at cops. They use words like “brutal”.

Some anarchists. Whoop dee doo

This will never work. The anarchists are holding unreasonable ideas sacred and if they don’t figure it out through these occupations, they likely never will. The form of anarchy in play at occupy is old-timey and antiquated. They are out of touch with reality in the most literal way possible. What they don’t understand is that people have evolved to the point where anarchy and direct democracy are no longer effective. We are too numerous. We are too diverse. We are too civilized.

We need you to have some foresight, anarchists. Pure anarchy is something that most people don’t want to live. We would have to live in squaller and natural selection would be the only form of progression. People we love would be killed. The majority of the 99% want to evolve, not devolve.

Many people in the real world will never be turned on by violence and many have things to do. Responsibilities. We can’t all squat in train cars. Some people need jobs and have close family and want to be good people too. Much of the people in our society have goals and are working toward them, and the goals are not to tear everything down. We want change. Not the Obama type of change, but actual changes that benefit the little guys. The regular Joes and Janes. The logical people know how to work within the system to get this change to happen. We know how to work within the system because we had to learn. In order to survive, we learned. Yes, maybe it was unpleasant to learn the system, but we had to and NOW WE CAN USE THAT KNOWLEDGE. This is the way to turn people on.
Don't Spread Anarchy

Even graffiti wars can be logical.

We suppose that if you don’t want to work or do anything with your life you can drift around, eat free food, beg for change at stoplights, be a professional voter for general assemblies and you can really add any load of bullshit on the end of this sentence because you are worthless to us. Your lack of participation in society is not inspiring to us. In the end, you lack experience. It’s a shame that you are clueless to how we can operate within the logical unfolding of our peaceful movement. Grow up! Get serious. Get some experience. Get a job (you are holding us back). Get a life.

Your process is silly. Your general assemblies are silly. You are being silly. Nothing of substance is ever decided and people are opening their eyes to this everyday around our camps. We know logical people will continue to rise up against your radical steering. We know your days are numbered. It’s already over for the anarchists in most cities and the few that are left holding the bag are getting fed up.
What’s most amusing about this is that we, as logical citizens, can feed them their own logic. We merely state that we are acting on our own free will and just do our own thing. Don’t buy into the manipulation, my logical brothers and sisters. No matter how endearing their manipulative leaders are… CINDY 😛 – btw you’re still welcome to join us if you can learn to zip it.
Break Break.
If you have any doubt about the claims written above, or if you doubt that networks like OPK are working click the link >>> SOLIDARITY
Some of them are in Philly tonight. They call themselves the “Radical Caucus” – we suggest “Tubular Delegation” – pretty radical, right?! no worries. it’s on the house.
OPK endorses their opposition on the violence issue: the Reasonable Solutions Committee – We wish you the best.
Here is another logical citizen talking about how “anarchy is stupid” (their words not ours)
They are falling

More on Cindy Milstein


Cindy Milstein, Anarchist

Many people are interested in Cindy Milstein and why she is involved.  The following transmissions were sent to us since our first article on Cindy was posted.  Several new contributors are focusing on Cindy and other radical occupy hijackers around the globe.  The first transmission is hard to verify. If anyone connects more dots, please let us know.

1. Is Cindy Milstein part of the 1% Milstein famliy? Howard Milstein and the Milstein family are extremely wealthy lefties. Since Cindy doesn’t publicly share her background it’s hard to tell if there is any relation. The only known connections are through the OccupyWallStreet relationship to New York Private Bank and Trust, which is also connected to Howard Milstein as shown in the chart below.  The Milstein family and Cindy may have attended some of the same dedication events in the recent past

Howard Milstein is a rare breed among the CEOs targeted by Occupy Wall Street: He’s a billionaire(*) and a Democrat.

One of the targets of protesters’ “Millionaire March” earlier this month, Milstein leads a family enterprise founded on real estate and banking. He was a bundler for Barack Obama in 2008, a major donor to Andrew Cuomo’s gubernatorial campaign in 2010 and a member of Cuomo’s transition team.

More on Howard Milstein

Howard Milstein - Muckety map

Howard Milstein - Muckety map


2. Here is a great read about how all hell broke loose on the occupy philly facebook page.  Many blamed Cindy Milstein, but as usual she refrained from commenting. Instead a group of followers came to her rescue from the internet-beef. More on this incident


3. Why are notable anarchists, like Cindy Milstein, at nearly every occupy site around the US and abroad? It seems that David Graeber, who was an early participation in NYC, realized there was some kind of need for the principles of anarchy. He then tapped his social network to initiate a process that put prominent anarchist anti-leaders in day one occupy meetings as they sprung up around the country. There have also been reports of arranged bus trips for anarchist youngsters who were showing up to new cities and participating in voting.  One theory is that this is how certain decisions were made that favor the eventual anarchy objectives.  These objectives include causing clashes with police.  More on David Graebers early involvement

So You Can’t Afford a Lobbyist

I Can't Afford A Lobbyist

Excellent point. Neither can any of the 99%

The sign shown to the right connected with us. It wasn’t because we caught a glimpse of the ever-so-radical Jeff Rousette riding on the roof of an SUV. Nope, not at all. A contributor sent this photo our way before we, at opk, even began to comprehend what we were dealing with. It struck a nerve because, while we were all working our hearts out in the early stages at various occupations, it was a frequent subject over skype. What skills are we lacking? Just before the photo came in, it was decided that we need lobbyists.

The Occupy Philadelphia non-profit, Jobs with Justice, who is hiring organizers and taking donation checks for occupyphilly has an influential lobbyist at the top. So where are they? Why are they hiding? Aren’t they going to help us? Have they not realized this is the biggest thing to happen in a very long time? Why do we run out of water and beg regular people to make donations? It’s all very strange.

Relationship Chart - Alliance for Justice - Raben Group - Occupy Philadelphia

Relationship Chart - Alliance for Justice - Raben Group - Occupy Philadelphia

Jobs with Justice is a member of the Alliance for Justice. The group actually seems to support quite a few noble causes. Their director is Robert Raben. Mr. Raben is also former assistant attorney general at the U.S. Department of Justice, former council to the House Judiciary Committee, and former advisor to Barney Frank. He is also the president of the Raben Group.

The Raben Group is a top lobby firm and works for New York Private Bank and Trust, MasterCard, GE, Time Warner, Prudential, and others. They have lobbied in the past for Mircrosoft, McGraw-Hill, UBS, and others. We suppose they are just too busy raking in cash to lend their services occupy wall street. Furthermore, the people behind the scenes are not anti-corporation. They are involved with pushing corporate agendas. For those that don’t know, lobby firms are hired by corporations so they can influence lawmakers and change laws in ways that will benefit them. Cha-ching. Is this not the problem we are all trying to fight?

So we face a challenging question. Are our insider big dogs with us or not? They are collecting the 1%er money and we are down here sitting on pavement and revoting on issues like whether or not there should be a music festival? That doesn’t seem right. If they have a plan for all of this, why don’t they tell us, fill us in for the sake of transparency? It would be so uplifting for all of us to hear established and expert support.

Another theory is that we are all pushing their agendas. Volunteering for occupy may be a way for certain parties to cash in on the free labor of the unemployed, homeless, and kindhearted.  Maybe the inner circle and the facilitators are on the payroll, just nudging us along a predefined path. Maybe the occupiers are still slaves to the corporate and non-profit megaliths. Are they really this diabolical?

This Revolution will not be Privatized

Is a correction in order? This Revolution will not be HAS Been Privatized

Mostly every public figure and organization we have connected to occupy is also connected to the Obama Administration and the Democratic Party. So the myth that Occupy is neither a left or right movement, but includes all of the 99%, is starting to look less than water tight. This topic will be examined in future transmissions.


By the way, included in the chart above there is one known Soros to Occupy connection. George Soros founded (as in created) a group called the Open Society Institute which recently funded (as in provided cash) the Alliance for Justice. There, now please stop emailing us Soros questions. He’s not THAT interesting. Thank you.


Provocateur Defined – Cindy Milstein

first google image result for "provocateur"

first google image result for "provocateur" and example of agent provocation.

A provocateur is someone who provokes trouble, causes dissent, or is an agitator. This is done through vandalism, violence, or through harassing the police and thereby instigating staged arrests.

The provocateur is a common role within any protest or demonstration. Sometimes this is a protester, or group acting on their own. In that case they may be ignorant, or may lack direction.  They may not understand how to play within the system and still get what they want. Provoking trouble is rarely successful toward helping a cause.

The second type of provocateur is not expecting success for the movement objectives, but rather they intend to draw attention through negative publicity. Very often, they mean to incite negative feelings toward the police, or other officials. When this type of provoking is in play, you can often identify the provocateur simply by noticing who points the finger.  We will illustrate this with the first example below.

The third type of provocateur is also called an “agent provocateur” which is hired by state-side authorities.  They are used to discredit a peaceful protest. They also give a seemingly valid reason for police to make arrests or end a demonstration.

Some information is still coming together specific to the Occupy Wall Street actions. For now though, it appears that both the second and third type are in play. They may actually be working together, or in some kind of pissing match.

The second type is most evident in Philadelphia. A city that has been more than tolerant of their people’s demonstrations and occupation. That factor honestly makes it easier to smell a rat. The police barely made an arrest until provocation was ratcheted up a notch or two.

Cindy Milstein

Cindy Milstein, a mouth breather among other things.

Enter Cindy Milstein. She is an anarchist activist and a board member of the Institute for Anarchist Studies. Her Wikipedia page. Cindy has been staying on site at Occupy Philadelphia(closet part-timer) since day one. That considered, she must be from Philly, right? Nope. She’s a San Francisco resident. Odd that she would be in Philadelphia instead of staying close to home, no? That is unless there are larger agendas at work, and/or a paycheck.

She does seem to make a living by speaking at anarchist and socialist gatherings. Although it is still not clear how that is a career/job. Who writes the checks? Where’s the revenue stream? Baffling. Currently her role appears to be chief provocation expert as illustrated below in three examples.

1. Cindy had her cronies construct a fortress on the City Hall site (image below).  It is made of shipping pallets and tarps, and is situated against the western wall of the historic building. It has some message about Philadelphia homeless population spray painted on it, for effect one might assume. We all know she is not homeless.

The home of Cindy Milstein at Occupy Philadelphia.

The home of Cindy Milstein at Occupy Philadelphia.

The City of Philadelphia calls the structure a fire hazard, which it probably is, but the hired horde will spring to action with downward twinkle fingers and leverage the homeless if the subject is raised. No fire safety will be permitted by their general assembly in Philadelphia. We think that’s a shame. It discredits us as a movement. It’s also an extremely irresponsible form of provocation. Put people in danger, and then tell the city to sit and spin. Nice one!

. Cindy may not be directly responsible for this one, but judging by the cast of characters involved, it appears she may have been the play-write.  On 10/14 two individuals drove up to the occupy site in Philly. The passenger exited the vehicle and threw a can of pistachio colored paint on the building. He then ran back to the vehicle which then made a hasty exit. An eyewitness reported that these signs (images below) were made before the police arrived on the scene, only minutes later. Hmm. Those are either well-practiced speed artisans, or there was a provocateur in their midst. It’s also interesting that they, so willingly, posed for these pictures.

crime scene and the hurried colorists working group

Criminal vandalism and the Quick-Draw McObjectioners

. On the 22nd and 23rd of October 2011, there was a sit-in. It was in protest of police brutality. Something that hasn’t occurred in Philly for quite a while. Well, they needed something, their dot on this arrest map was non-existent. So they claimed it was in solidarity with other cities.  Ok, whatever.

The sit-in occurred on 8th Street in downtown Philadelphia. Standard traffic blocking formation. The actual sitters were mostly kids, ready and willing to get arrested for some friends, cigarettes, and cheap notoriety. They were mostly anarchists, misguided. Cindy was there as well, photographed during the early stages. It took hours for the police to decide it was time to round them up and allow traffic to flow. So where was Cindy Milstein when her followers were getting arrested? Why, creating media, of course! She sure loves her some internetz! Some just isn’t enough for Cindy. She wrote three articles about it!

  1. oct-24-anti-police-brutality-protesters-are-out-jail
  2. statement-occupiers-protesting-police-brutality
  3. anti-police-brutality-sit-roundhouse
Check her out on facebook, stop by the media tent in Philly, or knock on her tarp door if you want to say hello.  She also seems to frequent The Wooden Shoe. If you happen to email or see her, please ask what her motives are. If you manage to get a response, we would love to hear it.
It’s bad enough that we must worry about the authorities ‘setting us up the bomb’. To set a trap on us. It’s occurring all over the country and has been documented throughout the years. What’s worse are the above examples. Something absolutely reeks of a conspiracy involving the authorities and the inner-circle at OccupyPhilly. At a minimum, it points out how we cannot trust all of our fellow activists.

SEIU, Steven Lerner and Occupy

Service Employees International Union

To those of us in-the-know, it is clear that this whole Occupy movement was planned well in advance. There’s the Adbusters seed, calling for the movement. There is certain evidence of prior knowledge, like the craigslist ads. Also, several teams have been identified as early contributors in multiple cities. But how far back does it go? We are still digging and annoying sources for more info on this subject. However, we were able to find this. Some interesting words from an SEIU organizer, Steven Lerner. According to statements made (and allegedly made) by Steven, it seems they planned on starting this initiative as early as March 2011. A full six months prior to the first Occupy Wall Street occupation at Zuccotti Park. Beyond the early discussions we were a bit surprised to hear some of the language used. It’s not profanity or anything like that. Listen for yourself.

The Lerner Tapes:

This edited clip comes courtesy of a random youtuber. full lecture is posted here by SEIU


In this video Steven Lerner was unknowingly recorded (allegedly) in a meeting discussing the plans.


Some candid video of Mr. Lerner, apparently doing what he does best.


A Relationship Map of Steven Lerner

Steven Lerner Relationship Map

Steven Lerner - Immediate Network


The Hiring of Occupy Protestors

It has been clear to many that strange sights are available to the observant at new occupation sites.  The typical formula is as follows.  The first day of camp is met with a strange mix of supporters.  They include:

  • Graduate students, who are often working with established non-profit organizations
  • A professional looking tech team with fancy tents, generators, computers, interesting masks and/or signs with headless suits.  Presumably, they are Anonymous.
  • Security Guards, often with blue arm bands guarding the grad students and tech team.
  • A prominent anarchist.  Usually a prolific writer.
  • Anarchist kids.  Squatters, drifters, what have you.  They show up either day one or two.
  • The houseless (homeless)

There are many accounts of this around the internet. There are also plenty of records indicating why this motley crew may have come together. The fact is that extreme liberal groups, such as The Working Famlies Party, are hiring what they call “Community Organizers” to initiate the groundwork and infrastructure.  The positions are temporary and range from six to eighteen months. They are using their existing networks, we will elaborate, and posting ads on Craigslist. Some examples of their ads are below. Notice how fancy they get by the time Portland needed staff. Now that’s…  industrious… ?!

So that explains where the grad students with experience in activism came from.  There are many more ads floating around – go ahead give it a search.  Try “community organizer” in your local city. Lately though, they are getting smarter by varying up their titles and copy.  In the early stages the ads were identical but with different email addresses and logos. Some of the organizations behind this are: Working Families, Jobs with Justice, SEIU, and The Alliance for Global Justice. They have been planning this. Occupy Wall Street is NOT a spontaneous movement. This is not a case of the masses coming together on their own. In future transmissions we will analyze these groups and their players.

Supporting articles:
[ edit: added one day following original post. fox news reported former ACORN employees are involved. We do not trust fox news. That aside, it’s a very similar story ]……


The Big Dogs Behind Occupy

This is Honor Freedom Peace.

Do not be fooled.  The ones, whom most of us are opposing, have set us up for calamity. They are pulling the strings. Enabling our occupation. They even planted the seed in all of our heads. They knew what we were thinking and orchestrated a preemptive strike against us. The entire Occupy Wall Street Movement is a set-up. Time is thin, but we can still take this movement back! We MUST.

A relationship map of the Occupy Wall Street movement, Adbusters, and corporate thieves. Each node is connected by a line which illustrates a business association.

A relationship map of the Occupy Wall Street movement, Adbusters, and corporate thieves. Each node is connected by a line which illustrates a business association. This is only one of many known money trails at work to control OUR movement.

Behold this CHART >> 

Each node is connected with a line that either represents an active or recent business connection. This is a very high-level view of the players at the top, but illustrates most elegantly just how twisted the money trails are to and from our dreadful 1%. This is one of the many tangled passages through which money is being passed to our occupation sites.

As many know ADBUSTERS called for the first occupation on wall street. They have been assisting many occupations with finance, organization, and media. We attest that they are also putting devious criminals and instigators in positions of power over this people’s movement. Adbusters is also:

  • 1 connection to Robert S. Halper ($ direct donor, 1%)
  • 2 connections to New York Mercantile Exchange
  • 3 connections to CME Group, Ogilvy Gov. Relations, and others
  • 4 connections to Robert E. Rubin (1%), Citigroup
  • 5 connections to a number of corporate sleaze-hubs

These groups and individuals have infiltrated nearly every facet of our precious movement. Many of us had no idea. We showed up, carrying with us our innocence and good intentions. A series of coincidences, maybe fate, and our vigilant communication has illuminated these dark faces to our members. They intend to make a mockery of our efforts and goodwill.  We cannot let them succeed.

Although it may be difficult to directly affect these high-level players, there is hope. We, at occupyPowderKeg, have put in many hours of tireless research, both on occupy sites around the country and within this precious interwebz. We have traced the money and connections to the most granular and actionable nodes. When you find that there is information that you can act on, please do so immediately.  The puppet strings must be yanked from their grubby claws.

More on the Rubin Family:

Also, please share any intel that you feel can help this effort:

Thank you, and goodnight.

We Will Eradicate Them.
We Will Stand Up in Defiance.
We Will Remain in Solidarity.
Standby for Next Transmission.